Monday, 30 September 2013


To walk is by a thought to go;
To move in spirit to and fro;
         To mind the good we see;
                To taste the sweet;
Observing all the things we meet
         How choice and rich they be.

An extract from


BY Thomas Traherne
Hereford Poet

Sunday, 29 September 2013

It's Nearly Time...

Some will have heard me use this analogy before. If so, forgive me but long distance walking really IS like giving birth. The journey can be long and tiring, leaving you feeling frankly exhausted and a little battered, yet each step is also somehow hugely fulfilling and once you reach your destination the sense of achievement might just make you want to do it all over again! In this case it's been a short few months' gestation and preparation, suddenly our 'due date' is now only 10 days away and our 97 mile labour is soon to begin in earnest. I am both excited yet just a little bit nervous. This must be what it feels like knowing when you are going to be induced! 


Back in March we got into a conversation and the idea of walking some of the Camino Way was mooted.  Since then we've walked The Arden Way, most of The Mortimer Trail and lots of unnamed country walks (mostly to our local pub and back). There is no doubt I am fitter than I was 6 months ago, but still with less than two weeks to go, I am feeling daunted by the daily distances.

Yesterday I spent £40.50 on yet more socks (3 pairs) ...... I now have a variety to choose from in a vain attempt to defeat the blisters I keep getting. This week I shall go for a pedicure so my battered feet will get some TLC before I beat them up again. 

Packing will commence soon!


We are 4 friends from the UK embarking on a walking holiday to the North of Spain.  Our aim is to walk the last 112 km of The Camino De Santiago or The Way over a 6 day period beginning on 10th October 2013. Self styled as the Camino Qwartet we are Rachel and Stephen and Amanda and David.  Individually and collectively, this our record of our holiday together.