Friday, 11 October 2013

Love .... and Free Hugs

When we arrived at today's hotel we were greeted with a perfectly tailored welcome speech. The English may have been a little broken ('tho infinitely better than our Spanish) but the content spot on. Clearly mindful of the needs of weary walkers, the reception staff focused on the immediate and the necessary but delivered with such empathy and charm, not to mention smiles, that I was almost ready to offer a grateful embrace. After 24Km just point me in the direction of a hot shower followed by a decent meal and that's pretty much me sorted, thank you. 
Today's expression of sympathetic understanding came at the end of a day that had me thinking about love. There's so much of it on this walk. From time to time farmers and homeowners leave a pile of apples or a plate of biscuits on a rickety old table outside their house with an honesty box and a sign wishing well to weary pellegrinos. Occasionally you might spot a pair of sandals or boots by the side of the road. Our guide book both offers 'advice' and explains: "if you have no further need, consider others and leave unwanted items behind".  See what I mean? Love is all around. 
We have often found, in the UK, that there's a certain camaraderie amongst walkers. Here it extends deeper. No matter if you started 600 miles ago or just in Sarria as we did, everyone takes the time to wish each other 'Buen Camino' (have a good walk) knowing that it's a journey of long days of toil for everyone and of more than just miles for many. As you progress you're often passed by others whose pace is quicker, only to pass them later as they stop to rest, and so-on throughout the day. These recurringly familiar faces become less and less like strangers. The smiles get wider with recognition and if you later encounter them in the same accommodation it's almost like meeting up with friends. Of course our own companions started out as friends but it occurs to me that a shared experience such as this creates a bond that will endure a lifetime. Thank you Amanda, David and Stephen, naturally, for the memories we are creating together. 
The icing on the cake today was a sign, spotted outside a fairly humble 'casa'. So very thoughtful ....

(No, these were not mine)
Ok, this wasn't a road-side offering, it was part of breakfast, but it's still lovely. A Santiago Tart. 

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